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Badger Trust appalled as latest badger cull figures show highest kill rate yet

Badger Trust today expressed horror and outrage as a further 38,642 badger deaths were recorded by the Government as part of its ongoing badger cull campaign. This brings the total to over 140,000 since 2013, with a further 60,000 plus expected in the next two years.


Dawn Varley, Acting CEO at Badger Trust, commented:

‘The reality of the badger cull is in that stark number – 38,642 badgers killed – an increase of over 10% on 2019’s figures, and 140,991 deaths overall since this policy was adopted in 2013. And the total will continue to rise, likely going beyond 200,000 by the end of 2022, with a further two years already locked into current expansion plans and four-year licences still to run. The culling policy is inhumane and unnecessary at best, and at worst it’s a smokescreen and ineffective strategy to appease farmers’.

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