Cull Record QUICK ENTRY FORM FOR BADGER RECORDS COLLECTED IN THE PREDICTED BUCKS CULL ZONE. Please use the drop-down and check boxes below. OTHER important information please enter is the 'notes' field. Location can be a grid reference, What3words or latitude and longitude. Downloading the GridReferenceFreeOS app is a simple way to get a grid reference on your smart phone; pls set to 8=digit reference. Please concentrate on the central 6 1km squares of each map, however as you may need to follow paths back to roads on the outer parts please log all badger activity found. Many many ThANKS Your email Location Record type -- Record type --SettLatrinePathForagingRTACull activityOther interest ecological record Total number of holes found -- Total number of holes found --1-22-45-10>10 Sett activity - best guess -- Sett activity - best guess --Doesn't look activeAt least one hole probably activeSeveral holes may be activeVery active sett! signs signs Fresh digging Bedding Hairs habitat habitat Hedge Woodland Open area Crop Other sett_access -- sett_access --Sett on or close to footpathFar off but visible from footpathEasy access from footpathSignificant diversion from path fresh? -- fresh? --oldfresh How many -- How many --12-5many path path Definitely badger track Probably badger track Under fence no hairs Under fence hairs found Footprints found Path runs towards ... (give details in notes below what signs? what signs? Turf dug up / peeled back Cow pats turned over Bee/wasp nest dug in ground Other - please detail in notes dead badger -- dead badger --Near road - rtaLooks natural death away from roadGun shot wound etc. Cull activity -- Cull activity --Dead badger - gunshotCull trap - set to trapCull trap = wired openSuspicious vehicle(s)Suspicious people near sett notes 12 + 1 = Submit