01494 715438 | 07979 247797 bbgc@bucks-badgers.org.uk

Welcome to the Buckinghamshire Badger Group


The Buckinghamshire Badger Group was formed in 1986 and is a completely voluntary group whose aims are to protect and to learn about badgers.More details of what we do below.


Join us

We are now looking for new members to join our small and friendly group.

You can join the group either as an active member where you can take part in a number of activities or as a supporting member. An active member could serve on the committee, where there are several vacant positions such as publicity or updating and maintaining our website or you could take part in sett surveying, look after a specific sett or setts or help recording rtas or badger sightings.

Membership is still set at £5.00 per annum, whether you are an individual, a couple or a family. You can join by pressing Contact us at the top of the page and then Join us. Payment can be made by bank transfer, standing order or by cheque. All details are on the Join Us page.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to have a chat about us. We would love to hear from you.



Injured Badger!

If you see an injured or sick badger, please contact the Bucks Badger Group volunteers as quickly as you can using the following phone numbers:
For  North Bucks:  Vacant
For Mid Bucks:      07887 955861
For South Bucks:  07785 757063 or 01494 677633

If you cannot get a reply from the number in your area, then phone our admin number:
01494 715438 or 07979247797
or Tiggywinkles: 01844 292292

If you witness a wildlife crime ie blocking a sett, badger baiting etc and it is still happening phone 999 and also inform Bucks Badger Group.If it has already happened, phone Bucks Badger Group. If you find an badger in a snare, phone one of the numbers above and if possible stay with the animal until help arrives, although do not touch it.

To report a dead badger, fill  in the report form on our web page, with as much information on the location as you can and a grid reference if possible. It is really important that we know the locations of as many dead badgers as possible.


There are TWO separate BADGER CULLING AREAS affecting BUCKS
They are probably as described below…

The Northants cull area overlaps into Bucks, and affects the top NW corner of the county

The ~400km²  Bucks area (of which 60% is culled) which overlaps in places into Oxon. and Berks(!)




email stopthecull@bucks-badgers.org.uk

Updated Feb 2024

What we do

  • We have experienced members who survey and monitor badger setts in the county which can be invaluable in helping to protect badgers and monitor numbers.
  • We offer help and advice to local planning authorities, the public and other bodies such as HS2 on a wide range of issues.
  • We liaise with the police and the RSPCA on illegal activities which regrettably happen all too frequently in the county, such as illegal snaring and digging out setts. We actively campaign against the use of any type of snare.
  • We use our knowledge to educate both adults and children on the threats that badgers face and how you can help. We also have display boards which can be used in talks.
  • Our experienced volunteers are equipped with rescue equipment and frequently go out to rescue wounded badgers. Most of our wounded badgers are taken to Tiggywinkles Wildlife Rescue Centre in Haddenham where they are given the best possible treatment by wonderful and caring staff.
  • We also campaign on local and national issues that affect badgers.
  • We are an affiliated member of the Badger Trust, which is the UK’s only national charity solely devoted to the protection of the badger.


Join us

Membership of the Group costs just £5 a year, whether you are a family, a couple or an individual. Find out more or complete our online application form now if you would like to become a Member.

Find us on Facebook


Badger Cull


Badger Trust