by Bob Simpson | Jul 18, 2018 | News
Article in The Independent by Jane Dalton Blood tests were inconclusive, prompting claims the money was wasted. An operation to reduce the spread of tuberculosis in cattle cost £76,000 for each badger culled. The bill to taxpayers in Wales totalled £382,112 for the...
by Bob Simpson | Jul 18, 2018 | News
Article in Stroud News and Journal 14th July 2018.# Chris Packham joined a protest against the badger cull when in Stroud last week. The presenter and conservationist held two talks at the Subscription Rooms as part of Stroud Festival of nature on Friday July 6th. In...
by Bob Simpson | Jul 18, 2018 | News
Article by Jonathan Coles for Somerset Live 13.7.2018 Campaigners warn badegers could become EXTINCT if cull is not stopped. The heatwave has had a big impact on the population of the animal. Wildlife groups are pleading with officials to call off this year’s...
by Bob Simpson | Jul 12, 2018 | News
Wildlife campaigners are in the High Court this week to challenge the lawfulness of Defra’s badger cull. Article from the Guardian on 12th July by Olivia Midgley Supported by the Badger Trust, ecologist Tom Langton claimed the Government’s policy was...
by Bob Simpson | Jul 3, 2018 | News
From a report in the Independent on July 1st 2018 by Jane Dalton Foxes and hounds spread TB as well as badgers, study claims, prompting call for greater hunting security. Call for packs to be reined in as research deepened row between wildlife cull supporters and...