Join us
Membership of the Group costs just £5* a year, whether you are a family, a couple or an individual. Any donation that you feel you are able to make over and above the basic subscription will be gratefully received and put to very good use in helping to ensure that badgers continue to thrive in Buckinghamshire.
Our membership year runs from January to December, but members joining after the beginning of October each year have their membership carried over to the end of the following year.
* £2 of this is a levy payable to the Badger Trust
Bank transfer
You can pay by bank transfer. Please complete the online membership form below and also email us at to request the bank details. Please use your surname as a payment reference.
Standing order
If you would like to pay by standing order, please complete the online membership form below. I can then send you a standing order mandate form.
If you prefer to pay by cheque please download and print the membership form. Cheques should be made payable to Buckinghamshire Badger Group and posted (along with your completed form) to:
Buckinghamshire Badger Group
The Old Workshop, The Common
Holmer Green
High Wycombe
HP15 6XG