01494 715438 | 07979 247797 bbgc@bucks-badgers.org.uk


The impact of Covid 19 from March this year meant the Badger Trust has been unable to host the AGM to report on 2019  as the usual in-person event. As such we are going virtual and would like to invite you and your group members to attend the online event on Saturday 28th November, from 1-4pm.

You can register online for the event by going to https://it/38zwxYv and signing up. You will not receive the joining details from this, but we will follow uo with everyone registered with full details in the week prior to the 28th. 

This event aims to bring badger groups for an update from the Trust on work delivered in 2019, with an opportunity to ask questions It will also include the formal launch of our new film: ‘Stopping Wildlife Crime’. The film supports the previously published guide ‘Persecution of Badgers: A Guide for Investigators in England and Wales’, which the Badger Trust produced in partnership with Naturewatch Foundation. 

All paid up members of the Bucks Badger Group are very welcome to attend this event.