To report cruelty or an animal in distress phone:
Tel: 0300 1234 999
Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital, Haddenham:
Tel: 01844 292292
Thames Valley Police Wildlife Crime Unit:
Buckinghamshire has a number of wildlife crime officers and they are as follows:
Aylesbury: PC Dean Kingham
Milton Keynes: PC Andy Hipkin
Chiltern and South Bucks: PC Steven Avery
Wycombe: PC Marea Logan
To report a crime dial 101 and ask for the appropriate officer, or if the crime is still in progress, dial 999.
If you find a sick or wounded badger
If you find a sick or wounded badger in the county, please phone:
For North Bucks: Vacant
For Mid Bucks: Mike on 07887 955861
For South Bucks: Ian on 07754 230306 or 01494 677633
They are also holders of rescue equipment.
If you cannot get a reply, then phone:
Admin for Bucks Badger Group: 01494 715438 or 07979247797
Or phone:
Tiggywinkles: 01844 292292 (24 hours) or
RSPCA: 0300 1234 999 (During busy periods your call may be placed in a queue)
If you find a wounded badger outside the county, then please contact the relevant badger group:
The badger groups that are around Buckinghamshire with their contact numbers are:
Hertfordshire and Middlesex
Herts and Middx Badger Group
Badgerline: 07860 210414
Rescue volunteer: 07872 902710
Please note that these numbers do not go to a 24 hour call centre, but go to volunteers who may not be available.
If unsuccessful, please contact the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999
Oxford Badger Group
Phone Tiggywinkles on 01844 292292 or
RSPCA on 0300 1234 999
(click link to) Northamptonshire Badger Group
Binfield Badger Group looks after badgers in Berkshire, not just Binfield.
Phone RSPCA on 0300 1234 999
Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue, Camberley on 01276 618668
Leatherhead Wildlife Aid, Surrey on 09061 800 132
Tiggywinkles, Haddenham on 01844 292292
Bedfordshire Badger Group
Phone Dave on 07801 588399
RSPCA on 0300 1234 999
Tiggywinkles on 01844 292292
DO NOT attempt to pick up or touch an injured badger unless you are experienced in dealing with animals such as these. Even a small cub can give a nasty bite and should not be handled.
Badgers are extremely powerful animals despite their cuddly look and they can cause major injury and serious bites.
To let us know about a dead badger, a sett, a suspicious incident or anything else
If you find a dead badger, please notify the local contact of the Bucks Badger Group for the area you are in, either by telephone, e-mail or our reporting form.
It is important that we are informed of badger fatalities as soon as possible. This is especially urgent in the spring, when a lactating sow killed on the road means cubs starving underground, which will need rescuing and raising by hand.
We might not be able to get out to every fatality, but everyone will be recorded and added to our database.
For more good advice on what to do if you find a badger go to the Vale Wildlife Hospital page and the Tiggywinkles website.