01494 715438 | 07979 247797 bbgc@bucks-badgers.org.uk

18th February 2018  A Defra report has been published on the TB testing conducted on badgers in 9 badger control areas in the High Risk Area of England in 2016.

Thi has shown that of 861 badgers tested for TB only 42 had TB and only 6 of them had severe TB.

This means that, shockingly, thousands of innocent and TB free badgers have been killed needlessly over the past 5 years. With the numbers of badgers being killed rising and the number of TB cases in cows rising as well, it is so obvious that badgers are not anywhere near being the main cause of TB in cattle. It is time the government admitted this and stopped the cruel culls.

For the full report click on the link below.

